Saturday, September 3, 2011

And The Search Goes On....

Well as time goes on it seems almost hopeless. The creature that is known as “customers” seem to be so elusive I cannot find one. I pack my back pack; I put on my exploring suit, and inventory my supplies. My tools include Google Adwords, Craigslist, The Thrifty Nickel, and other link directories. I have changed my game plan, lowered prices, changed suppliers, and still the customer is hard to find.
The traffic to has steadily increased, but still no buys. I wait patiently at this time for one to step into my site. It seems harder and harder each day. Statistically most businesses fail with in the first year due to poor planning or underfunding. I refuse to be one of those tick marks, I refuse to fold. My business will grow.

A Rift In Time has recently added fresh roasted coffee and the Peace Frogs line of clothing to its growing inventory. One of the hardest objectives in online sales has to be competition. I can go to Google or other search engines and check any price to just about everything on the web. This puts a damper considering most businesses have to play within that price window between the supplier’s price and being able to make a profit. Like every business there are advantages and problems. I do not use the term “disadvantages” for I truly believe that with any advantage and the right tools issues can be fixed as disadvantages remain.

Well I will close for this week. Just know that starting and running any business is not a cake walk. I have worked about 230 hours this past month and haven’t made much of a profit yet. But with hard work and perseverance I will overcome.